wadia & iPod, anybody happy with it?

I'm thinking about moving to sometype of music server or music streamer and the iPod / wadia dock solution appeals to me however I see a constant stream of wadia docks on here. My question is, is anybody loving this setup? If not why not? Thanks :)
I switched to the iPod and Wadia combo 2 years ago and I have been very pleased in doing so; I wouldn't want to go back to a CDP again. I compared extensively to my Meridian G08 before I sold the G08. Just be sure to purchase a DAC that does a great job at reclocking the signal.
I have the Wadia/iPod combo also. The sound quality is on the same level as my CDP. My CDP has been rendered pretty much unused as a result of adding the Wadia/iPod combo.
I seldom play my CDP. The Wadia/I-pod combo works nice for me, as a matter of fact it sounds better than my CDP.. Would suggest a DAC ..Have the Channel Island dac combo.Very happy till now,but will eventually move to true music server, as you in this hobbie you are always looking for new tweaks.
Thanks guys. Couple of questions. First, I've heard the remote is pretty bad. Do you find it usable? Second, I thought it might be nice to send the screen to a small wall mounted TV to be sort of a "now playing" screen. Is that possible?
The remote for the 170 is poor but not unusable, I use it daily. The new 171 is supposed to have a better remote.

Your second question, no, not with the 170.