want to build a 2 channel system where do i start

want to have a dedicated 2 channel sytem as ive tried to integrate 2 channel into ht setup and not working where do i start with speakers amps etc have about 20,000 to invest but want components and speakers to work together for litening to classical rock thanks for info
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for starters, just because you can spend 20K is no reason to feel like you will not be satisfied with a less $ set up. listen to more modest systems at any number of dealers. classical rock recordings in original formats are generally not that well recorded and really accurate and pricey systems will reveal this. if you announce your budget you will gladly be serviced to leave you with $1.47 as you leave the shop. take along your favorite albums or cd's and try not to listen to anything but the MUSIC and if that is the way you want to hear it replayed. lotsa folks want to feel like they are golden eared audiophies but in my experience it is an ego trip for most. the law of diminshing returns is a major thing to consider in this marketplace of goods. lastly, your listening room is ultimately the determining factor so do not overlook acoustic treatments for this space. have fun.
Good advice from Veroman - don't lead with the chin. I would add, start with the speakers. Narrow your speaker selection to a few models. I would not limit myself at the outset here - consider floorstanders, monitors (maybe with a sub) - also give a listen to the traditional passive boxes, actives (speaker and amp matched in one box), planars, etc. Then look at the amount of power you will need to drive the different models that you have narrowed to, at the listening levels that you want, in the room you are going to be listening in; that will be your biggest initial concern as to an amp - preamp / integrated. Sources I would look at last. Amounts to spend are kind of fluid, but with a 20k budget, somwhere under 10k for the speakers would be a starting point. Also, quality vs price do not necessarily go hand in hand, especially with speakers which will depend a lot on your personal tastes. You may find that you will be able to put together a system that you are happy with for much less than 20k as opposed to a more expensive system. Probably the best advice I could offer is 'patience' - take your time.
thanks everyone for the advice as i am new to this hobby and dreatly appriciate the input
I'd start by listening to speakers. Find a speaker you like, then find out how to power it, and the rest just falls in line.