Warm and Detailed S.S. Amp?

I currently own a Modwright preamp and a Pass Labs X150 amp. I really enjoy these components but, I wish the Pass amp had more warmth in my system. What amps have the warmth of tubes but are as detailed and as controlled as this Pass amp. I can't afford the .5 series of Pass amps. I previously had a CJ MF-200 amp and PV-11 preamp in my system, which was much warmer, but not as clean and detailed. I'm looking to spend about $2K used. Thanks!
Odyssey amps have a 'warm' sound, and are a great bargain to boot. Detail, speed and power are all there. For $2k you can get a used pair of their Mono Extremes.

The newwer c-j ss amps are reputed to be a bit "punchier" than their predecessors, that combined with the more detailed pre (Modwright vs. c-j pv 11) your using now might prove to be satisfying.
I'll offer an alternative suggestion, if you don't mind.

Dan Wright has a new tube rectified PSU for the SWL that adds a very sweet warmth that the original PSU lacks.

From what I heard at RMAF the new PSU and the other changes Dan has made to his preamp changed the SWL from a non tube sound to a more musical tube sound while maintaining the SWLs dynamics and deep bass.

I plan on having my SWLs PSU swapped as soon as I can part with it.

This and a tube swap might add all the warmth you are looking for.
I would definitely check out the Electrocompaniet amplifiers in the power range you are considering. They are excellent performers and a joy to spend time with. Very musical..

Pass Aleph. Or new first watt aleph series, perhaps. If you read between the lines of Pass' web site, they indicate the aleph series was warmer sounding than the X series, which is the reason for introducing the .5 series. I've heard that the Aleph3 and the monoblocks were better than the 60 watt stereo version.