Warm, rich sounding interconnects?

My system is in flux at the moment with a Wadia Intuition 01 as preamp/amp/DAC bookshelf Tyler speakers and (horror of horrors) an iPhone with an Auris bluetooth connection for the current audio source. Since bluetooth at best sounds somewhat thin and tilted up on higher frequencies, it doesn’t play necessarily well with the Wadia which is great sounding overall but also can be on the revealing side.

I know I should get a better source - but even so I’ll always want the option of wireless in various situations. I’ve owned Purist Audio Museaus’s (rev-c’s) in the past, which would be perfect, but sadly sold them on A-gon some time ago. Those are hard to find and the newer Purist cables are brighter sounding.

So in a nutshell I’m looking for interconnects which will deepen and darken the sound for my current setup - and new/used for under $400. Any ideas?
I would give High Fidelity cables a try. 30 day trial with full refund. From entry level to sell a couple of the kids. I have found them to be very detailed but rich and relaxed sounding. Not in your face hard driving sounding.
Enjoy Pete
Tara labs ISM on board "The One" pure cooper oxygen free interconnect’s. I would try to buy them second hand, they are expensive New, well worth the money, As the ole adage say’s, You get what you pay for.
Original version of Acoustic Zen Matrix Reference would be a great choice, and there's a used pair here now for $250.

Good ideas.  Forgot about the Cardas cables and Tara Labs. Better off with retro cables that smooth out the upper end for bluetooth sources.  
I have more recent Purist Museaus cables and they're not close to the old rev C's.  Too bright, unfocused - not good at all in my system.