Warm-up time.

It takes about an hour of loud playing for my system to come to life, whether it's digital or analog.
i was wondering if it's the amp or the preamp that needs the warm-up, or both.
i have a vintage modified CJ preamp, and modified NuForce Class D mono blocks.
I would think that the Class D amps shouldn’t take more than a few minutes to warm up.

If the cj preamp is tube based, they do indeed take awhile to reach full potential.
I agree with mofi,

Probably is your cj especially if tube,I usually leave my class d amps on most of the time so my system is ready at a moments notice,I listen at diff. times of the day.But in general class d amps don't need much warm up time that I have noticed.

I hope this helps you,

Those NuForce amps are very efficient, I would leave them on all the time.

I recently got to listen to an ARC integrated, and about 45 minutes is how long it took. It started out OK, then got really grainy for a while, then came out smooth and sweet.
