Watched the MTV awards that night

i never realized the music business was in such a big place. All the performers sound alike. It sounds like they all have the same recording engineer. There is no individuality to any of acts. It's all just a formulated mess.

I am so thankful I grew up a time when there were great musicians and singers and songwriters. They say progress is good but it didn't work out that way in the music business.
Pop music has always been pretty lowest common denominator. The LCD has changed a lot and probably broadened over teh years resulting in a bunch of stuff that mostly all sounds and looks the same.

Its all the other stuff always around that gets factored into it and lost in the shuffle worth seeking out. It'll be different strokes for different folks, not the amorphous blob basement dwelling LCD.
The LCD almost always consists of:

1) hot girls and/or the talented girl next door
2) cute or hunky guys
3) catchy beats
4) pushing the boundaries of morality of the day
5) lots of attitude. At least as much as teh masses will tolerate which is a lot these days.

The only thing that changes really with pop music is how all this plays out at any particular time.
Will this generation be singing the songs on this year's VMAs two, five, or ten years from now? No one knows for sure, but there is such a thing as disposable music, and a lot of what I heard sounds like a formulistic, disposable anthems. But then, I'm still singing ? and the Mysterians.
Bdp24, This guy was the biggest superstar of the 1920's. If you want to have a good laugh take a gander at this! Do you think this would be PC in this day and age?
You don't hear much about Al Jolson anymore these days, but yes, he was the biggest star of his time as I recall.

Says a lot.