Watt Gives?

Why does 75 Belles Watts smoke 250 watts from Anthem, PS Audio and W4S?

Not only do the Belles 75 watts play equally as loud, but it has the best bass texture, grip and slam, openess and top end...

Is this a case of 160hp on a 400lb motorcycle surpassing a 600 horsepower 4500lb in terms of acceleration?

I’d like to go up the ladder but I guess up isn’t always directly related to specs?

Really starting to question analogue / high efficiency, low powered beastly tubes...

@timlub “I have owned maybe 25 amplifiers manufactured between 1976 and 2000.”
That’s better than 1 per year; what did you start with, and what do you have now?
I heard a superb Belles Virtuoso amp at Audio Connection, and followed up by buying one from Johnn R. Great guy. It’s going to be a few weeks until I get it, and I am really looking forward to replacing the Rotel power amp I’ve had for 20 years now. I’m never going to catch up with you!
@ctwith3    Those amplifiers were owned across the years, even now.  I just rebuilt a Sumo Polaris and a GAS Grandson,  both with very high quality parts and they both responded very well.  I'm surprised how good these old amps sound.  But I've had 3 different Sumo's, a couple of Gas, an old Coda, Classe, Parasound, Kenwood Mono's, Kenwood stereo, an Edge, Yaqin, YBA, Heathkit (still have AA1600), 2 - PS Audio (200c & Delta), a Hafler DH-500, Kinergetics, a Marcof, an old Arcam.... right now that's what I remember.  
Actually,  these were mostly all decent sounding products. The Kenwood mono's were L07m's.  I enjoyed those, but afterward, I bought a Basic M1, I did not like that, also had a Parasound, don't remember the model, employee purchased it in 1980, didn't love it.   Again,  these are all pre 2000 models.  
I'd love to hear the Virtuouso.  I had an Aria integrated a couple of years ago, it was a huge value and very nice sounding piece.  I just built several Class D amps and am rotating 2 of those in and out of the system with the Sumo and Grandson.  I am currently using a SST Ambrosia preamp that I really like.    Not sure this answers your questions,  but there you go. 
JB 52,

If the current delivered at 4ohms or less is the more critical factor
where does one find that number in a MFGs specs or a review?
I am looking to upgrade to anothera decent 2 channel amp and...YES...I too would like to hear what people think are the Critical amp specs...I am looking all over..new..used etc and it gets confusing...all I have...right now...is my pair of B&W CM9s that I found the sweet spot in a difficult room...not the best speakers overall of course but to my ear at that 3 Grand price range they do just fine...but I think they need a bigger amp..