I have heard all 3 speakers, and I now have the Amati.
Andra are very difficult to 'drive'. Unless you have the best amps available, the Andra might sound thin and weak. With proper amplification though, they sound quiet good, but there seems to be a lack of energy in the 'presence' spectrum.
Watt Puppy 6. Heard with all top of the line Spectral. Fast sounding. Quite good overall, but a bit boring (not much character)...
Amati. very fast and dynamic. A bit on the lean side. lack of energy in the 100 to 500 Hz region which could result in a harsher sound then one might expect. I know the faults of these speakers the most since I have been living with them for some time.
Andra are very difficult to 'drive'. Unless you have the best amps available, the Andra might sound thin and weak. With proper amplification though, they sound quiet good, but there seems to be a lack of energy in the 'presence' spectrum.
Watt Puppy 6. Heard with all top of the line Spectral. Fast sounding. Quite good overall, but a bit boring (not much character)...
Amati. very fast and dynamic. A bit on the lean side. lack of energy in the 100 to 500 Hz region which could result in a harsher sound then one might expect. I know the faults of these speakers the most since I have been living with them for some time.