Wave Kinetics NVS Turntable - Stereophile Review

For all owners, there is a good review in this month's stereophile - table reviewed with the Telos arm and with a Kuzma 4Point. Framer gives the nod to his Caliburn but a close call.
Syntax, Did you forget to mention the SME 30? It is an old design, not mentioned much in forums, only once hyped by MF in a review, uses the dreaded belt-drive mechanism and rubber bands for suspension. It doesn't need constant tweaking. There is no bling appeal. Oh, and it can't accommodate two arms. It was designed by engineers, though. With ears ;^)
I own an NVS owner and am delighted with the turntable. It is the best vinyl transducer I have heard to date. The dynamic drive is far superior to any belt or idler wheel drive table in my experience. The bass is deeper, tighter and more linear than I've previously heard. The overall presentation is full, rich, completely and naturally detailed. It's the whole package, rendering the information in the groves in total and complete resolution. It just, simply, sounds right. I say this because I find nothing annoying, nothing I'd like to change or tweak- I'm at ease when I listen. The fact that MF finds it a virtual toss-up against the mega $$ Caliburn is a nice bonus.

My understanding is that the reported bearing damage on the show unit was due to inferior packaging which has been completely rethought and reworked. The current palletized wood crated package is a thing of beauty.
My unit has been completely trouble free and has functioned flawlessly.

In response to Syntax: I find your ranting indictment of so many highly regarded turntables a pointless exercise in opinionated arrogance and, if I'm not mistaken, your Lyra Olympus retailed around $12k- do as I say, not as I do!!
Well now!

This should be a great thread considering the passion for analog among some very opinionated & some knowledgeable members.. Some bring very constructive dialog to the table while some just love to run their mouth & carry (force) their agenda where ever they can spew it out.

Lets see if I can add a bit to whats already been said.

Eddie your input on the NVS was spot on to my findings.
I have not had any issues with my table.
Packing / delivery was suburb as well as set up.
What more could you ask for? The shipping crate could with stand a small explosion!
Set up was a breeze. No more freaking pumps!!! ahhhhh.
I concur you have to spend time setting up the arm & cartridge.. check, recheck, & check again &&&&. Such is the life in the analog world. Spend the time & you will be rewarded is all I can say.

This table has been the best table I've ever owned & have ever heard. I know this is my opinion (in my system) & I respect what others own. We all should feel comfortable with what we purchased. Regardless of price..
I state these opinions after owning or spending time with many a VPI, to many to list! The Walker, Grand Prix, Rockport, Linn, Thorens, & Upgraded Technics sp10 mk I& II.
others as well... Some of these tables were great in their own right & I do not mean to degrade them, I just like the NVS.
I would love to hear / compare the Caliburn someday to see how close or better this table may be. Can't afford it anyway but it's nice to hear others as MF feel that the NVS gets you close.
I have talked to a few who say they preferred the NVS, so of course to each their own.

As with Ed & Mike I also use RTR tape as my reference & this table arm combo come as close to tape as I've heard & yes on some source material equals & some even betters.

In combination with the Durand Telos, I still am awed at what comes off the groves. Bass extension & definition / excellent!
As MF stated, image & soudstage with great three-dimensionality & depth.. best I have heard a combo do.
Air, space & more air, clarity, detail, speed, & well you get my drift.
I could go on & on but I would say don't let anyone sell this table short.. go listen for yourself & draw your own conclusion.. I will warn you you will be awed!!!!!!!
World Class? yes!
As the owner of an NVS I feel compelled to comment on my findings and experience with the turntable. To my ear, direct drive 'tables have always sounded more smooth, powerful and dynamic than belt, rim, idler or other drive mechanisms. Outside of one vintage Technics DD model, which, if you can find one, sell for upwards of $20k when replinthed and rebuilt there are few direct drive TT options available at anywhere near the NVS price point. This is one reason I became interested in this 'table.

Of greater importance is the sonic abilities of the NVS, which when mated with the Durand Talea II and Ortofon A90 far surpassed any other 'table I have heard to date.

Additionally, I have had ZERO mechanical problems of any kind with this unit. My understanding is that the bearing issue was due to the original packaging being inadequate and this packaging- plastic flight case with foam too soft to correctly protect the unit- was subsequently completely rethought and redesigned to a palletized wooden crate system. This new crate system is a marvel to behold and I have heard of no other freight damaged units being reported.

I am completely satisfied with my NVS and feel it provides performance as good or better than ANY turntable at ANY price available today new or used. Considering it is considerably less expensive than the Caliburn it could be viewed as a bargain in the not so sensical world of big boy's toys and bleeding edge analog reproduction .
One must wonder what Fremer does to the equipment he tests. I find it puzzling that so much of the equipment he reviews tends to break or malfunctions so easily. Didn't he destroy one of the darTZeel monoblocks he reviewed a couple of months ago so that it had to be sent back to Switzerland to be fixed? How on earth do you fry a monoblock that is hand-made like a tank? Didn't he also almost fry one of the MBL monoblocks? Something about the interconnecting cables not matching, if my memory serves me correctly. The man certainly possesses a vast knowledge of the analog, but I question his ability to actually use the equipment as it's meant to be used during his reviews. Just some food for thought in this polemic...