Anything to discredit "snake oil'ers" just to give the gullible audiophiles out there something to think about, and to read others opinions, before they part with more than $100 for a fuse which the sound of is no better than a quality $2 fuse.
Cheers George |
Geoff enough, it’s about time you stopped insinuating the gdhal is on drugs, otherwise your posts will be reported.
Cheers George (potential forum cop) |
And your on the hit list also sunshine.
Cheers George |
nonoise Why aren’t you trolling all the other threads on the above mentioned gear and having at it? Again with the troll card, is that all you have when you fuse "snake oil" BS get’s challenged. And +1
kosst_amojan for your post. Cheers George |
OK show me where this is posted, who said it, it’s bracketed in "colon quotes" I assume it’s been said. I’m confused????
Cheers George |
"I can hear beyond the most sophisticated means of measuring!" Hogwash.
Really is that what he said. Wow!!! talk about *******. Cheers George |
kosst_amojan HEY!!! were on the same side in this thread. Don’t!!! call me dishonest, your the one who posted a statement what looked like someone said it because YOU put in "colon quotes" not me mate, next time don’t do it !!! Because it looks like you said he said it!!!!!! Even if you said in essence! Cheers George |
and a better fuse imparts a cleaner sound impacting characteristic of it's own to the rectifier. That was the point.
Really you should listen to yourself, then scrunch it up and throw it in the bin, honestly. Cheers George |
nonoise3,110 posts03-21-2018 8:48amAs I've already said, I've swapped out three different fuses and they all sound better one way than another and when replacing one set of fuses, I put them in the wrong way and it was immediately apparent.
Really!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kw32fiasUSsCheers George |
So the best you can come up with is a blocked video link to a song that’s suppose to mock me. The horrors, the horrors! Try a different fuse, others can see it with $2 Digikey fuses. Cheers George |
douglas_schroeder We Need A Separate Forum for Fuses 1. Do you think designer fuses are A) a Gift to audiophiles, or B) Snake Oil
That’s all we need another disguised "snake oil" thread that was shut down like this one was 5mins ago, just to get fuse talk going for the gullible to question it and purchase >$100 fuses. https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/simple-snake-oil-detectionLike they say any talk, bad or good (even voodoo) in the right ratios is good for sales in the end. You only need 50% of the gullible to believe the "good" and you’ve generated sales, with a product that could have 500%
or more
markup. Cheers George |
Keeping it real!!! so the gullible can see the other side, instead of just the snake oil side.
Cheers George |
Like I said over on the other snake oil thread to you. " Every piece of hifi gear you own is designed using science, EE laws and measurements, then it’s listen to, and any adjustments made are done again using science, EE laws and measurements!!!! If you believe anything else then https://youtu.be/kw32fiasUSs?t=9Cheers George |
Again, that doesn't account for what can be done, and heard, as a result of tweaking
Changing fuses is not tweaking, which real tweaks are measurable one way or another, it’s snake oil nothing more nothing less. The only reason a fuse can be better as said before, is if it’s seen too many turn on surge cycles (below), then it behaves a bit like a light globes filaments. It bends too many times because of the turn on surges, hardens, then carbons up. Have you ever noticed how bright a new globe seems compared to the one that just blew even though they’re the same wattage, and they always blow at turn on, because of the turn on surge. A slow-blo fuse "ageing" right to left https://peakpinball.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/fuse-8312-640x426.jpgA fast-blo fuse "ageing" left to right https://i.stack.imgur.com/0uqWX.jpg%20 Cheers George Cheers George |
This is the best one.
’m asking anyone who knows if it’s possible to buy a sheet of graphene and cut it to size to fit around a fuse and get some, if not most, of the benefits of a SR Black fuse. I read something over at audio circle where someone is selling small sheets of the stuff to wrap around fuses but I can’t find the original thread.
All the best, Nonoise
No this ones even better.
What I've noticed a lot is the surreal quality there now is to percussion, be it with stick, brush, hand and the drum, box, or instrument used to receive the blow or strike. I swear it seems like I can tell if an opening is facing or turned away from the mike and subtle movements of the instrument or positioning and changes with hand placements. It seems to be consistent with the room echo and decay manner that accompany it. Talk about "seeing into" a performance.
All the best, Nonoise
You can do better than that, consult your doll, seeing you have no electronic engineering knowledge. http://live105.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/voodoo-dolls-wallpaper.jpgCheers George |
Georgie Boy, you've must have spent a couple of hours scouring for those. 👍 Good boy!
Na! didn't take long at all, many of your posts are full of snake oil those were just a teeny weeny sample. Are you sure you and Geoff are joined at the hip.
I never said I had "electronic engineering knowledge" or training
That's very obvious. Cheers George |
trelja @georgehifi You make a good point regarding the aging of fuses. I don’t think we have considered the degradation they endure by the turn on - turn off process over time. As someone who has had to run a lot of ageing tests in the electronic materials we developed and produced, ran them against our competition, and saw the ill effects, I should have put 2 and 2 together. Regardless of whether you believe in the efficacy of using better materials in fuses, fuse direction, or just use the typical off the shelf fuse, it’s probably a good idea to think of fuses more like our engine oil, and regularly change them. Yes you are correct and yes change them as a maintenance reason, but don’t tell me a >$100 fuse will sound like this compared to a quality $2 fuse "I’ve noticed a lot is the surreal quality there now is to percussion, be it with stick, brush, hand and the drum, box, or instrument used to receive the blow or strike. I swear it seems like I can tell if an opening is facing or turned away from the mike and subtle movements of the instrument or positioning and changes with hand placements. It seems to be consistent with the room echo and decay manner that accompany it. Talk about "seeing into" a performance." mikexxyz22 posts03-24-2018 6:59amGeorgeHiFi: Guys like Nelson Pass are OK as designers go but are not thorough and detailed enough to bring a complete solution to market. This is left for others to do. Your kidding, this basically says Geoff and Nonoise are more competent in fuse area than Nelson Pass is. Guys like Nelson Pass, John Curl, Dan D’Agostino would’nt be seen dead promoting fuses in this forum the way the >$100 fusers here do. Cheers George |
To any of the non technical audophiles here who are confused about this "snake oil" subject. Just save your dollars and get the right quality $2 fuse from here and be be happy that your not on the voodoo’ist merry go round, changing from Black to Blue to what next, Gold!!! perhaps, fuses that do nothing more than a quality $2 one can do. https://www.digikey.com.au/products/en/circuit-protection/fuses/139?k=glass%20fusesCheers George |
mikexxyz23 posts03-24-2018 8:47am@georgehifi - Yes, I was kidding. +1 Sorry must of misunderstood your post. I was worried that you were going to be the very first here of the technically experienced, that got swayed to the "snake oil" side. Cheers George |
Well, I tried new in place of old (15+ year old) stock fuses and I couldn't tell the difference.
Well you've passed the fuse'rs test code, or maybe you didn't try it in the other way round. Cheers George |
nonoise3,375 posts05-08-2018 3:12pmkosst, What can I say to someone who knows so much, that he cannot learn any more?
It's not what you say, but what you do, go and take a course in Electronics, Ohms and the other laws, and educate yourself, then you'll understand and see the light on the BS on fuses you've been spreading. Cheers George |
That’s 2 "snake oil" fuse threads shut down, hope the others do too if they start with all the outrageous claims of of sound improvements for their systems being suddenly transformed.
But like I said they’re like weeds, pull one out and another one pops up. It’’s the mantra of the fusing shiller. And judging by Geoff’s post the weed seed has been sewn.
Cheers George |
Oh dear! I can’t believe clearthink can think this way, read again "SLOWLY" it was reference to deleting posts as a potential forum cop.
And yes I’m from Australia, gods country, where we have gun controls so tight you can’t even own a BB gun here.
Cheers George |
America has enough problems without being blamed for the likes of georgehifi. https://ibb.co/hgrAMcCheers George |
Lota posts getting removed. Another fuse "snake oil" thread making people question the validity of what’s being said, causing conflict between obvious scientific theory and subjective hearsay.
Cheers George |
04-28-2018 12:42pm All you had to say was you don't know what phenomenology is. You didn't need to prove it.
I don't give a **** what you think or what I know, don't make out like someones saying something, when they're not. Even if your joking, because that's being dishonest. Cheers George |
And George, whatever...
Whatever back at you sunshine. This is the only reason to change a fuse and not to expect some magical increase in sound quality.
This is all potential fusers need to know, forget the "snake oil’ being preached. As this is what happens to any fuse (including the "snake oil" ones) that have seen too many turn on cycles, it’s called fuse ageing with "switch on surges", as there’s far more current goes through it at the moment of switch on than any other time, as it has to charge up empty power supply caps ect. That’s why fuses and light globes can blow (if nothings wrong) at time of turn on surge, here are some pics of fuse ageing.
A slow-blo fuse "ageing" right to left https://peakpinball.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/fuse-8312-640x426.jpg
A fast-blo fuse "ageing" left to right https://i.stack.imgur.com/0uqWX.jpg%20
Just change your tired old fuse/s for the same quality $2 ones that were in there. Forget about the "snake oil fuses" for $600!!! + for 4
Cheers George
There are no sides here, just opinions, the only sides are the ones you are making up in your head.
Of course there is, the BS "snake oil" side of fuses praying on the technically gullible here and the real Electronic Engineering side of fuses. Ones voodoo and ones not. Cheers George |
nonoise And so do the components downstream from the fuse. I looked that up. Some of them are directional and yet...... Only after the rectifier are there components that get DC that "could" be directional. And the AC fuse is before the rectifier so it has nothing at all to do with them. You really are pulling them out of the air "snake oil" style, don’t say anything technical as it doesn’t become you, stick with the "snake oil" that does. Cheers George |
Thanks for asking, I forgot all about it. This is the only reason to change a fuse and not to expect some magical increase in sound quality. This is all potential fusers need to know, forget the "snake oil’ being preached. As this is what happens to any fuse (including the "snake oil" ones) that have seen too many turn on cycles, it’s called fuse ageing with "switch on surges", as there’s far more current goes through it at the moment of switch on than any other time, as it has to charge up empty power supply caps ect. That’s why fuses and light globes can blow (if nothings wrong) at time of turn on surge, here are some pics of fuse ageing.
A slow-blo fuse "ageing" right to left https://peakpinball.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/fuse-8312-640x426.jpg
A fast-blo fuse "ageing" left to right https://i.stack.imgur.com/0uqWX.jpg%20
Just change your tired old fuse/s for the same quality $2 ones that were in there. Forget about the "snake oil fuses" for $600!!! + for 4
Cheers George |
Your banging your head against a brick wall, they can’t see the forest through the trees, forget it, they've already lost all credibility, it’s just the way they, the "awesome foursome" roll. Even if someone like Nelson Pass himself came here and told them personally what for, "not that he would lower himself" they still wouldn’t lay down and die!
Cheers George
Obviously, modded gear would benefit similarly from aftermarket fuses.
WHY????? Explain this please, enlighten us. |