Only if its nude female mud wrestling....
Only if its nude female mud wrestling....
We Need A Separate Forum for Fuses
Not even sure how worthwhile it is to add my latest experience here, likely to just get shot down in flames! But here goes, and yes this is copy and paste from SR Blue thread as I lazy..... Well here goes Back home today from a week working in Orange County and both my new OPPO UDP205 and SR Blue fuse were waiting for me. Inserted said Blue into Goldnote PH-10 phono stage and left it on just to warm through a bit. Played vinyl I am very familiar with and...... IMHO there is an increased feel of depth to the music overall, female vocals and acoustic guitars have more definition, bass just feels tighter, not deeper or louder but, well just more. Instruments seem easier to pick out of the mix, more defined overall. Really hard to describe adequately but a definite improvement all round, and this is brand new out of the box, 1 hour play time. |
What more requirements does a buyer and user of an aftermarket fuse NEED than that they can hear a difference? Even if it is a small difference then $60 to $200 is a very small price for a worthwhile tweak. It is up to the individual if they feel it was worthwhile. Sorry but I listen to music not science |
Yikes! Talking of impossible. My everyday paying job, you know as opposed to running round in ever decreasing circles here, involves doing the mathematically impossible every single minute of every single day. Seriously. Note I stated mathematically impossible. Theory can sometimes be bent a little. I will not bore anybody with the details but it is one reason I take a lot of this stuff with a very open mind. |
Kosst Sorry but I do not believe that anybody who buys and uses an aftermarket fuse and enjoys what they hear has ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING to prove to you or anybody else here! The majority of these fuse threads are based on users listening experience not practical science 101, if you demand science just go and email the manufacturers and harass them not the users on these threads. In short we don't owe you a bean! |
Kosst This is not a court and we are not theorizing any legal matters. These are people's OPINIONS, nothing more. I truly could not care less whether anybody believes me. I truly could not care less if others draw the conclusion that I am full of it. I am reporting what I believe I hear and what I hear makes me happy and its my money. That's really all there is to it. |
Unfortunately some people are as funny as a hole in the head though. But agreed it would be hard for even Monty Python to write some of this stuff! Just can never get the parrot sketch out of my head. Of course it helps having grown up in England and being subjected to a constant diet of Monty Python from a tender age! |
Kosst. What you say about value of engineering makes a lot of sense tbh. And I can see a solid thought process in there. Now though, and not wishing to be antagonistic here,but just HOW have all the aftermarket fuse manufacturer achieved the sales they have worldwide? I mean it can’t be mass hypnosis or just thousands of gullible buyers, not even the most ardent naysayer can truly believe or propose that. |
Kosst I would agree that the number of aftermarket fuse users is indeed small, tens of thousands as you say. However it is not in a market of tens of millions that they should be related to. Those tens of millions are NOT high end audiophiles. That group number significantly less and dwindling every day unfortunately. The tens of millions include appliances and applications that have no relation to high end audio at all. Tbh I really do not know what the number of audiophiles would be worldwide, I do not believe would number tens of millions at all but I do not have that data to hand. As far as perception of reality, I would need a few more drinks before entering that arena. |
TBH I hate the term designer fuses or boutique fuses and would never refer to them as such Aftermarket fuses is my term of choice. I honestly cannot say as I have tested differing brands of said fuses so really cannot comment, maybe one day when I am really bored I may try one of these honey filled confectionary ones, sorry mean AM Beeswax just to see. The only snake oil factor I have ever seen or heard about comes from the abject naysayers....... |
Empirical evidence as defined by Wikipedia Empirical evidence, also known as sensory experience, is the information received by means of the senses, particularly by observation and documentation of patterns and behavior through experimentation. The term comes from the Greek word for experience, ἐμπειρία (empeiría).Empirical evidence - Wikipedia |