weak left signal Melos SHA gold any quick/good fix

i've noticed the right channel carries much more oomf... noticed through the speakers and the headphones. Any quick fix for this issue? Or a reasonably priced not-so-quick but better solution?

Try to find one of the former Melos employees to repair the unit. (Perhaps one of the Audiogon members can help).
I dont think it is a quick easy fix. My Melos cost $500+ to repair and upgrade before the Melos restoration buisness folded.
yeah, I will try switching out the tubes, though i hope i haven't burnt the the siemens CCa's I have in there this quickly. I would love to locate a former melos employee and have been in touch with audio horizons about more extensive modifications including a stepped attenuator, upgraded caps and a power supply that would be in a separate chassis that's just a little outta my budget at the time. If one tube has been burning harder for longer will it die quicker? and will the channel associated with that tube have a weaker output as its days come to a close? This is actually my 1st piece of tube equipment so there's still plenty i dont know.
Melos is either back in business or will be soon. Email Mark at this address:

Mark Porzilli - mark@novaphysicsgroup.com

I do know a tech in Long Island, NY who can repair the Melos gear. If interested email me and I will get you his info.
Oh my... i was under impression that Mark Porzilli was no longer living... Is it true that he is still alive? I do hope so, though I am new to melos it's truly lovely stuff and when I heard mr. Porzilli had died i was quite disappointed someone like him had been lost. Anyway i will email for the LI tech info. But please do confirm Mr. Porzilli's current status here to help correct what might be a rather morbid rumor.
