Western Electric looking for consumer feedback to make new tubes!

This was brought to my attention a few days ago, and I’ve filled out the form stating that I would love to see mid-priced 6SN7s, 5U4Gs, EL34s, and KT88s from them. I’m not sure how long of a time-frame we’re looking at here, but it appears at the very least that Western Electric is interested in hearing from us! Please fill out the form and don’t forget to put down what tubes you would like to see from them, this could be a good thing! Best regards, Aric




The 6SN7 would be a good choice, assuming they can bring something worthy to the market.  It would appear then, that they are not necessarily looking to make tubes that are a reissue of what Western Electric made in the past. 

If they were going to reissue what they have made, the 350B would be a nice choice (a replacement for 6L6 or KT66).  The 274B rectifier would be a nice reissue item too.

What I would hope for most in anything that they put out that they at least try to emulate past Western Electric practice of making very durable and reliable tubes.    


@tooblue WE never made a 6SN7 tube. The Chinese companies coined the name "Western Electric" for a series of tubes they started making a few years back- PsVane has them as well as Linlai. It's just a name that they picked up after the branding had worn out and the company had all but vanished (just like the British "Cossor" name that PsVane had on one of their lines). It's simply cheap marketing, and more so likely the fact that nobody has filed a cease and desist order on them (yer) ;-)


Best, Aric