What AC Power Cord sounds best?

I'm looking to upgrade my power cords. I currently have 4 Synergistic Research AC Master Couplers in my system. They sound great but I understand there are some others out there with a quiter background, better bass, increase resolution, etc. Please let me know of your experiences with the 'really good stuff'. Thanks!
the Ensemble mega powerflux cords from switzerland, $680 for a 2m. and the FIM gold power cord, $1200 for a 6ft. are the two best power cords in the world at present. contact brian at Artistic Audio (949)362-6080. website, aaudio.com
I have found that the Harmonic Tech power cords were much better than the Synergistic Reference Master Couplers I had used with my Audio Research and Levinson gear. When you can buy them on the used market in the $125 range, it is hard to beat at that price. After far too many years of paying high cable prices that lose 50% to 70% off their insane retail price in a year, the HT line is a great value. I also find it essential to apply the XLO contact enhancer on all of my power-cords.
Listen to FIM gold PC. FIM dealers let you audition for two weeks. Nothing to lose. King cobra vs FIM. FIM winner by split decision.
All you powersnake owners(not to offend anybody) need to try the FIM cord. It is in a different league. I had 2 king cobras in my system. One on the transport the other on my digital preamp. Yes they are very good-no doubt. But the FIM gold cord ....Unbelievable. Way, WAY Better!!! At 1/2 the price. Only drawback is they are super stiff.
I'm trying the FIM Gold, and I'm thinking I still like the SR Reference better on my amp. One aspect could be the fault of the power in my house being too noisy, but the other must lie with the FIM cord, for me. It's not as dynamic, to my ears (and chest) as the SR. I could see how if you had a Wilson Wamm, or Grand Slam, in a smallish room, you'd want to reign in dynamics. Oh well, this will be a good excuse for you guys to bash me, go ahead, I won't respond. Another thing I will say is, for me, no power cord has wrought an improvement on the level that the PS 300 seems to be doing on my front end. Now I REALLY love the CD50, as opposed to just obsessive admiration...I think I'll have that thing forever.