Try this site: The operator has some sound knowledge of Altec product. If he can't help you I've got some older literature boxed up I can dig out from my days as an Altec dealer.
what altec speakers do I have?
I have a pair of very old altec lansing speakers.The horns say 808-8A on them and the woofers are 15" with the biggest magnets on them I have ever seen.THe speakers are extremly large,the size of a klipsch horn.They have the huge horn on top and the separate woofer enclosure on bottom.They have both P.A. style and regular stereo type speaker connections. They don't say voice of the theatre on them anywhere but they look like some I saw on ebay.They are the best sounding speakers I own.I am curious as to what they are. Thank's 89vett
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