What Am I missing? Lumin T2 Streamer DAC w/MC501's Only

System: Mcintosh C2500, MC501’s, Legacy NAIM NDX w/XPS DR, Furman Elitę 20 PFI, Lawrence Audio Double Bass speaker..

I plan on buying a music streamer, Lumin T2, and thinking of connecting it directly to the MC501’s, but like everyone else, a lot of research, time, and $$$$ was spent putting my current system together and now I’ll be going down to two components (Lumins and MC501’s). I figure the Lumins DAC is better than the Mcintosh. Is there something I missing, like adding another component to the mix to help improve the synergy?


I see your dilemma. So do you have to loose a box? You have some fantastic speakers. If I were to work from there I might start with a streamer only. Aurender, with out a DAC. Given the quality of speakers and amp you would like to stay at that level. I guess more info on you constrains would help.


I think ideally you would implement a separate streamer and DAC, using your preamp as a preamp. 

If I threw a sheet over the speaker (not a blanket) that is how stock valves sound.

A 1-300.00 pair of real good NOS Telefunken are actually the first place to start, not the last. You will hear what a Mac is suppose to sound like. Not artificial sounding, conflated bloated bass either. In tone bypass it is about as sterile as it can be with stock valves, and Tellies remove the edgy mids. Think of an EQ with a slight frown. Now think of Tellies as flat as a pancake. Use a reputable tube guy. They will probably out last you. 10-15,000 hours is not uncommon.

So if I understand this you cannot use the C2500 in the front room, you have to choose between your C2500 and an all purpose thing a pair of amps and a pair of speakers :-) I suppose subs are out of the question and cable risers are a bribe with a new BMW and TWO new pool cleaning guys.. :-)

49 years with the wife, I have to pry the remote out of her hand when we listen together.. LOL She loves music. She’ll go through a pot of coffee listening to music loves the Blues, Carlos, Los Lonely Boys. 3-4 hours, 3 times a week. Serious Vinyl head to. 78s and 33. A lot of broadcast 78s in really good shape. Her Dads vinyl collection and hers over 1000 pieces. She likes a Thoren TD124 too. It has 78. We’re using the ol Victrola this time of year.. Now If I can figure how to hook it to the C2500. LOL Loves Spotify too she has it all set up.

Get the wife involved, mine keeps me listening to new music. She use to love to dance too.. 67/69. Really good ears too.

No I'm not a robot, I'm a cyborg/Borg thank you very much.. I'll be back!


HEAVY, You’re lucky to have a spouse that shares your passion for music. I envy you

He's definitely one lucky guy! Though my system is in the livingroom now, I'm waiting for the day my wife starts complaining out of the blue about it.. Anyways , OHeavy, I found two telefunken ECC88 tubes my wife got from her brother in law in Germany years ago. I forgot all about them. Are these tubes you've been describing?

Yes I am lucky, but that is actually how we met. I was visiting my Moms 50 years ago. I started to leave and I heard the new Jeff Beck playing. I went around the corner and there were 4 gorgeous ladies dancing (doing the bump BTW) sharing wine. I looked up, Thanked GOD, and joined right in. I was fresh back from working on the Island of Adak in the Aleutian chain with pockets flush of money.. ;-)

Yes, mine were all pulls from Macs through the years. Of the 7 12AX7s a C20 uses You need 3 if your not using the phono section and only a pair for the section your using.. You don't have to burn up valves for no reason..

Ok there are a few different brands that are still Telefunken too. Just do a little research. 10,000 plus hours is not uncommon at all.  Make sure they are matched and above 50%. Tell the person your looking for "low noise and matched" and that YOU will check them.. I always get pairs if I can, singles, I pay less..

A EC88 is a 6922, not the same, very close though.. I don't use 6922 to often, BUT they are a great valve. I think they have a little higher gain. I can use either in my Carys, just not sure with Macs. You want EC83s. Mullard Blackburns are right there too, one of the best valves ever made..


I am not a robot..