What amp/pre-amp would you buy for $12-15k?

My Krell 300KAV-iL died. It used to sit between a Rotel CD w/ XLR outputs and B&W 802 Nautilus loudspeakers. Also use a Denon ipod dock.

The Krell worked well for 9 years, but I want to upgrade-keeping the Rotel and B&W's. Budget is $12-15k for the amp/pre-amp and interconnects. I may add a DAC, music server, and turntable down the road.

I like the idea of a tubular system - at least for the pre-amp. I hate to "waste" the XLR capability, but will not eliminate a pre-amp just because it doesn't have it.

We listen to everything-blues, acoustic rock, opera, etc. The room is big and wide open, so the B&W's have a lot of space to fill with sound. I'm going to RMAF-anything I must see? Any other recommendations? Thanks!
Dare I say that a $12k pre/power combination into B&W 802 Nautilus may be deserving of a more refined CDP than the Rotel? Which Rotel is it?

It's a Rotel RCD-991, and it's been a workhorse. I guess I was thinking if it ain't broke....

But I see your point - might be worthwhile upgrading CD player too. My speakers have always the best part of the system; I'm just trying to get the rest of it up to that same level.

Do you think diverting money from the amp/pre-amp budget to a new CD player would be a net positive? Or, do I drop myself into a lesser tier of amp/pre-amp?

Upgrading in phases makes the budget more pliable-what would be your Phase 1 move with the budget indicated?
Finding a balanced tube preamp that will keep you in your budget is no problem.