I am using an AI modulus 3A and Plinius SA-50 (which is Class A SS) with my Electra 906. The result is very satisfying music to my ears - never analytical. But cables are also very important. What cables are you using? The electra range of JMLab can easily sound analytical if one is not careful with the supporting cast.
What amp & preamp to go with JM Lab ?
I have Electra 926's. MY current Rotel amp and pre-pro
are not involving. What amp and pre amp works well with
these speakers ? Can anything make them less analytical ?
I am using an Audio Aero Prima CD player for classic rock,
rock and contemporary blues. Should I change the speakers ?
are not involving. What amp and pre amp works well with
these speakers ? Can anything make them less analytical ?
I am using an Audio Aero Prima CD player for classic rock,
rock and contemporary blues. Should I change the speakers ?
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