What are the best settings for Oppo 105-D as a stereo player.

I just purchased an Oppo 105-D to use as a player in my stereo setup. I would appreciate any help in setting this player correctly. I’m using XLRs to connect to my Anthem integrated amp. Thank you. 


Thanks for the quick response and recommendation. I did update the firmware, but still, I’d like to know what settings others have experienced users use. I do have several SACDs for example along with many cd discs. I have no paid streaming services and there was no wifi dongle included. I suppose a direct connection would be required if I wanted to a network connection, but presently I just want to enjoy my CDs and SACDs for now. Any suggestions for settings for my purposes? Thank You 

read the manual, you need to do this yourself,

I sold mine, so I cannot check settings.

what I remember, experienced:

I tried XLR for long run, to use it for Video (dual hdmi cables), and second audio output XLR over to Music system, for music only. weird noises occurred, sent those cables back.

I didn’t see or hear anything superior to my existing blu-ray player in video system while it was there. 

Kick ass audio and video


moved unit into music system, rca cables, firmware, .....

I didn’t hear anything superior to my existing CD player in music system.

tried ’pure’. bypasses video circuits, I heard no difference.



Replacement dongles are available relatively inexpensively. However the specifications are specific. I suggest an email to Oppo support will get you the necessary information.

Also, you must adjust the settings so that the Oppo plays the SACD layer when available on the disks.  Also, should you wish, the Oppo can be used to easily rip the SACD layer.

@elliottbnewcombjr gave you some good advice. The 105 is a very good player. The settings are not complicated. Connect it to a monitor and go through them one by one. It explains the options. Be patient, you will get the best of it. Congratulations on your purchase. They are built to last.