Personally I feel if you have your spend over a $1000on a digital cable
something is seriously wrong in the design of your dac.
The P.S audio direct stream dac minimizes the added benefit of spending to
much on a USB cable. I have a AQ a Diamond USB cable very good
yes you can get a little better but at what cost 2-3% for another $1500 ?
put a synergistic black fuse in there ,treat all connections with Stabilant -22
and these improvements are much more cost effective .
something is seriously wrong in the design of your dac.
The P.S audio direct stream dac minimizes the added benefit of spending to
much on a USB cable. I have a AQ a Diamond USB cable very good
yes you can get a little better but at what cost 2-3% for another $1500 ?
put a synergistic black fuse in there ,treat all connections with Stabilant -22
and these improvements are much more cost effective .