What are you using as a streamer? Constructive feedback please.

Wondering what improvements I can made to my streaming end and what you all are using.

Not looking to rip CDs and I mostly listen to vinyl.

System right now is:

Node 2 (latest version used streaming only with Roon)

Bel Canto e.One ref DAC 2.7

Bel Canto e.One ref CD3t Transport.

Bel Canto e.One ref 501S (best Class D to date to ever grace my system)

Mini GaN 5 ( had to try it and swap it in and out)

AM Qualiton X200 Tube Integrated (love it and gets most use)

QLN Prestige 5 Speakers.

All cables and wires are Signal Cable.

Appreciate the constructive feedback.

Have a great day.




I bought ifi Zen Stream based on reviews (sale$360). I use USB from the Stream to a Topping D70S DAC, and then balanced to my Mac MA5300. SQ is excellent. Do not care for the app.

I have a Auralic G2 playing through a PS audio perfect wave DAC, a esoteric N 05 and a Ayon S10 Signature.   The Ayon is far and away the best

+1 on the Node 2i and Amazon HD. Fits my budget and am not wanting for more. My local audio store used Node on all their demo systems. Besides, I'm 64 and don't think I could hear any subtle differences in more expensive gear. Most importantly, I'm enjoying the music and finding new artists.

I have 2 Raspberry Pi3 based music streamers in my home. One is a bare-bones build with just the RP3 board, in an acrylic case with an cheap switching power supply. This one is USB output only. The other one is the same, but has a HiFiBerry Dac+ Pro DAC hat installed, plus an upgraded iFi power supply. The DAC+ Pro attaches directly to the top of the RP3 board via a I2S bus, so no cable needed. Both run Volumio OS.

I've been very happy with both streamers since switching from Moode OS to Volumio. Standard Volumio OS is free to download. They have 2 tiers of premium subscriptions that add additional functionality. Both tiers are very inexpensive - $50-$100/year. I do not currently have either premium tier. I just use the free version.

I have my two streamers connected to my primary audio system and my office system. I control both of them via an Volumio using an internet browser on either my laptop or my phone. Easy Peasy...

Anyone wanting to dip their toe into streaming can build a RP streamer for under $100 and give it a try.

I have a Roon Nucleus powered by Mojo Audio Illuminati power supply. Very happy with it. I stream via Tidal and Qobuz.