What Are Your Experiences with Decoupling Products and Your Recommendations?

I've heard IsoAcoustics to Stillpoints are the way to go. But I've also heard HerbieAudio is a great (inexpensive) alternative and not over-engineered.  What has been your experience and what in your opinion is the cost/benefit threshold?
If by "decoupling products" you include speakers then yes, hell yes!
The cool part about decoupling your speakers is that not only do you relieve the rest of the house from having to experience the deep bass but it also helps to keep speaker vibration from affecting the system components.  And yes, Herbie's gliders work extremely well in decoupling cone/spike coupled speakers and subwoofers from the room.  I use Herbie's Tenderfeet under most of my components as part of the system "tuning" process.
Yep, Herbie’s slider pucks for me... easy and inexpensive. They just work.
If you can find a suitable aluminum frame you can suspend the component from the frame using bungee cords. Looks pretty cool. You can also make your own magnetic levitation feet using opposing neodymium magnets in plastic or aluminum tubes. 🔛
I recommend and use Herbie's "Fat Dots" to couple my Harbeth's to Sound Anchor stands.  However, I strongly preferred coupling Sound Anchor stands with supplied steel spikes to the concrete slab floor over carpet vs. using Herbie's Gliders, as there was a noticeable loss in transparency and imaging with the gliders.  YMMV.