What Audio Religion have you converted others to successfully?

We all have certain audio proclivities, some we expose to the world, some we hide even from our priests and psychotherapists.  We believe, strongly, there's a certain way to achieve magic.  A state of enlightenment which raises our awareness almost instantly to resonate with the sacred muses, and may actually transcend music and audio to reach the divine (as opposed to Divine).

In most cases, we share something with a loved one and they're like "um, ok, are still on for fishing this weekend?" but rarely, ever so rarely, the go home, they don't talk to their spouses, their children think there is something wrong, and they call you late at night. "You know that thing you did, with the cables and the vinyl and stuff?  How can I do that too?  Does my spouse need to know? Can I keep things at your place?"

So, my fellow audiophiles, what proclivities do you find yourself championing, and what do you think is an easy vs. a hard sell? Vinyl?  Room acoustics?  Rubbing Portuguese safflower oil on your cables before listening?

What could possibly be constructive about religion?


It’s very simple, slip me a 5.00 , you get a blessing.

What do you think you get for 50.00? That’s right, nothing, but at least I’m honest. Now we get up into the 100.00 range... We’re talking CURSES, YUP. The dog gone VooDoo comes out... at about 250. 00 or so.. then to put it all away, a cool grand or TWO...

Some of this stuff, I gotta do a costume and HAT change.. Need a top Hat and a Cigar... couple of puffer fish...:-)

kenjit, behave this can go either way!! :-0 ho ho ho.... I think 1/64 Gypsy too.. 

+1 @whart 

I have new gear and old gear that I rotate , enjoy it all the same. 

I put together a system for me and me only.  I enjoy reading these threads, on occasion,  I will make a suggestion.   Never,  ever,  trying to convert, promote or convince anyone. 

In the spirit of the original post, I have converted/enlightened some friends on the value of LP playback. Those that started this hobby with CDs or streaming as the norm were baffled that LPs could sound so pleasing. Notice I’m not saying “better”.  There were others that had gotten away from listening to music except in their car. Those gents had put away or sold off their record collections and turntables. Being reintroduced to vinyl playback turned their interest in music back on. I don’t try to convert or enlighten people anymore after seeing some of the results. I have seen one of my converts who had maybe 100 LPs in his collection in storage, decided to break out his old TT again. I lent him some equipment as he had sold off his rig.  We had great listening sessions at each other’s house. Then he began going to record stores and buying LPs with me on occasion. That’s all good right? Except now he goes LP shopping two or three times a week and buys online. In two years he has amassed over 900 LPs. He has bought a stereo system of his own, and is already looking to upgrade. He is not the only one that has really delved into this hobby after a few listening sessions at my house. I know they are adults but I do somehow feel responsible for creating an addiction, or something like it. I no longer try to spread this disease. 
One newer religion out of California has converted a pretty decent sized following.
Called Shiites as I recall!!

Fussy and fuzzy used to have different meaning. Has that changed?

When a man is pulled out of the herd for an offense it is known as being
"defrocked" unless he is quaffing a RC Cola.

Women have yet to be allowed in this new religion except for use in the most rudimentary positions.

Secret bank accounts funnel funds thru intermediaries.

When asked "What’s different about the equipment" a nonchalant "Oh Nothing Dear" must be convincingly employed.

"It was the perfect high end audio religious icon: Exotic, inefficient, expensive, unavailable, and toxic." NP/JK
I have to say, that my intentions on this thread were, as usual, purely for fun, enlightenment and connecting with other audiophiles.
I am a little surprised at how quickly and irrevocably this thread went sideways.
That because you always put up Wally-world type threads, I’m sure you just like to see yourself post, or your thread starter count go up looking for the Guinness record🤦‍♂️