What bests the Consonance Droplet

I plan to get the Droplet later this yr, used for around $2K I will consider other suggestions, if you think your's can best the Droplet.
No I've not heard it, only from photos.
Don't mention the Cary 202, I've heard it and does not best my Cayin 17. As far as I recall.
Who knows its possible the Cayin 17 equals the Consonance. But my intuition tells me the Droplet will be a nice "little" upgrade.
I've auditioned both the Droplet and the 17A in home and although they were at different times, I came away with the feeling that the Cayin was the one I would choose. They both are good players but the Cayin just seemed to fit better. Of course, this is the *A* version, although I never heard the 17 by itself.
I've never heard a Cary 202 and was wondering what features it has...your likes, dislikes? Are you sure you have the correct model #?

I have heard the Cary CD308, CD308T, CD303-200, CD306-200, CD303-300 and 306SACD....I have also heard a Cayin player, albeit briefly. If the Cayin player equals the Consonance, then I have an idea on the sound of the Droplet as I have not heard one personally. I think the 6h30 supertube is way over-rated considering some of the fun of having a tube cd player is to do some rolling, which is really limited by the 6h30.

As far as the Cary players are concerned, I would take any of the Cary players mentioned above over the Cayin player without hestation (and, by your comparison, The Droplet as well). No offense intended but Cary players never cease to amaze me, especially as you move up the food chain in their lineup. Just my opinion and I admit, I am biased toward Cary as I have never been disappointed with the total ownership experience I have enjoyed. I am still in mourning over the sale of my beloved 306-200 (replaced by a 306SACD which is incredible). The 306-200 used for around $2k with the multiple digital inputs makes it one amazing bargain although the 303-300 appears used for $2200-2400 and the tube stage allows for cheap and fun tube rolling.

Your opinion may vary as your post may not truly be seeking out other opinions. To consider "upgrading" to a player that does not outperform your current unit seems baffling to me. If you were just bored at work......well....you got me.

Another option would be the Resolution Audio Opus 21.
Used, about the same price.
Very nice, almost analog sound.
(The only unit I have heard that clearly bests the Opus 21 is the Audio Aero Capitole II, which sounds even more analog like.)

As you can tell, I am an analog first kind of audiophile.
So far, (at least to my ears) no digital source can equal a similarly priced analog source. These two come close, and so I picked up the Opus 21. (It is about half the cost of the Capitole II, which means I can spend even more on my analog system!)

My two cents worth.
Good Luck in your search.

PS Tvad is correct of course. So always buy used, so you can try out equipment at very little financial risk.
the naim cdx, a two box cd player is the closest presentation to analog. until you hear it, you have no idea what you're missing.