What bests the Consonance Droplet

I plan to get the Droplet later this yr, used for around $2K I will consider other suggestions, if you think your's can best the Droplet.
No I've not heard it, only from photos.
Don't mention the Cary 202, I've heard it and does not best my Cayin 17. As far as I recall.
Who knows its possible the Cayin 17 equals the Consonance. But my intuition tells me the Droplet will be a nice "little" upgrade.
Another option would be the Resolution Audio Opus 21.
Used, about the same price.
Very nice, almost analog sound.
(The only unit I have heard that clearly bests the Opus 21 is the Audio Aero Capitole II, which sounds even more analog like.)

As you can tell, I am an analog first kind of audiophile.
So far, (at least to my ears) no digital source can equal a similarly priced analog source. These two come close, and so I picked up the Opus 21. (It is about half the cost of the Capitole II, which means I can spend even more on my analog system!)

My two cents worth.
Good Luck in your search.

PS Tvad is correct of course. So always buy used, so you can try out equipment at very little financial risk.
the naim cdx, a two box cd player is the closest presentation to analog. until you hear it, you have no idea what you're missing.
Eastern Electric's tube cdp with a a few mods will blow it away...don't forget to tube roll as well. And you'll have some cash left over. L'wood
My mistake, Cary 303/200. Sure I did not hear it next to the Cayin on the same system. My friend had the audio Research VT 200 + ARC pre amp and Mirage 1's /Talon Khorus. The ARC amp is way too colored to determine the quality of any cdp. and the speakers didn't help out either. From memory, at least 10 hrs listening, I'd say the Cary was a good sounding player.
Has Cary worked out its quality control issues, as my friend sent his back for repairs at least 2X's, this was 2 yrs ago, maybe its a different unit now.

Driver thansk for your essential imput. I had the Cayin 15, a very nice sound for the money, pd $550 used here on audiogon, the seller had BugleBoys installed. Not sure how much better over stock tubes.
I then bought the 17 (am not aware of a "A" model). The 17 added another notch up on the resolution scale. I felt it was worth the extra $500 spent. I think its worth $1500 If I had to pay it.
I like the inner layout of the Droplet, and was hoping for even more an upgrade in the near future. GH also gives his comments on the 6h30 tubes.
But as you say they were not A/Bed same day, but you say you'd walk with the Cayin.
Well based on that I think I'll stick with the 17 and see about rolling the stock 6922's for a quad of JJ's 6922 Gold Pins at $25/ea, here from Jason.
Will report on the test results.
Thanks for everyones imput.
Baton Rouge