What brand is most recognized by non-audiophiles?

Yesterday at church the pastor used audiophiles in an example and mentioned that he probably shouldn't use the example without knowing the current best equipment. When he asked the congregation there were several quick responses that said Bose. I shook my head.

What audiophiles brands would be most recognizable to the masses these days? I think of Krell when I think of an audiophile brand, but don't know how many blank looks I would get out of non-audiophiles. Maybe B&W?
Bose, Polk, Sony, Marantz, Denon, Onkyo, Rotel, etc. When you think non-audiophile, think mass market.
this question is unanswerable, unless you query thousands of people.

personally, i think of audio research and conrad johnson.
I guess I should rephrase a bit. I am not looking for what brands the masses associate with high end (i.e.Bose), but what audiophile respected brands are likely the most well known. For example, MBL is obviously a very high end brand, but very few have ever heard of them.

Maybe Harmon Kardon. McIntosh has certainly been consistent over the decades.