what cable should I buy for my system?

Elements of my system:


Source Esoteric K05X

Rotel Michi m8 monoblocks

B&w 802d3 speakers


With a simple high-quality copper cable, the sound is currently neutral, forward, with an unfavorable wind, but mainly with depth and short decays. It’s dynamic, fast, tight, but it lacks sophistication, especially the ideal space mapping and the long, delicate decay of the sounds. I would think about used cables.. Budgeting is obviously important, but I haven’t done it yet, first of all I would be interested in your opinions on which cable brings what and in what price-value ratio.

Thank you very much for your help.


I'm sure you're familiar with the Hippocratic Oath taken by physicians, which simply states: "First, Do No Harm".

Audio cables are passive devices, and at their best, pass signal from point A to point B with an absolute minimum of artifacts.

That oath can also be applied to cables. Because ANYTHING added in the path of the audio signal WILL do harm.

The finest cable is the one which achieves this goal to the extent the state of the art permits.
And, by keeping thigs simple, the cable does not have to be ridiculously expensive.

No hype, no games, no glitz.
No pseudo-scientific jargon to separate you from you money.

As stated in the Stager Silver Solids website: "it is not how a cable makes music sound great. It's about how it allows music to sound great by not hindering its transmission in any way."

Just pure signal. - Like these:

There is not a Audio Device or Ancillary to be utilised within Audio System that will do Harm to the Signal Path.

There are methods that can be adopted to produce a Signal Flow that is a improved efficiency for the Source to Output Signal as the Signal passes through the variety of stages of gain being added.

There are a variety of permutations for creating a Path that the Signal Flows through. These Permutations are able to be subjectively evaluated and if one individual makes the assessment that Harm is the outcome of a Permutation that has been demo'd in use. That is their chosen word to describe a perfectly produced Signal being experienced as Sound at the Output.

The Signal transferred from Source to Output is not Sound, until the Speaker does the final conversion of a Electrical Energy into a Mechanical Energy, hence, Soundwaves are the final wanted energy for a Audio System.   

Thank you very much!

Does anyone have experience with the Via Blue Reference (SC6 Air, X-60) product family?

Nordos Frey2 is better known and much more expensive, but is it worth the price?

Post removed 

High value (performance above their price points) cable brands:

  • Albedo
  • Darwin
  • Empirical Designs
  • RSX
  • Silversmith Fidelium
  • Vogue Audio
  • Zavino

Power Cables (old prices)

  • 0.4 Black Cat Silverline
  • 0.4 LAVRiCABLES Grand 30 CORE Silver Mains
  • 0.6 Morrow Map4
  • 1.7-1.9 PowerKord Kimber PK10/PK14
  • 1.0 Zavfino OCC Silver Dart Graphene
  • 2.0 Siltech Classic Legend 880P
  • 2.5 ZenWave PSR-14,11.
  • 2.5 RSX Beyond

Speaker Cables (old prices)

  • 0.8 Silversmith Fidelium (bargain)
  • 0.9 Kirmuss Adrenaline (bargain)
  • 2.0 Iconoclast ,
  • 1.3/1.7 Zenwave SCR-14/11
  • 2.7 Albedo Monolith Reference