What cartridge?? Lyra, Dyno etc...

I need/want a new cartridge to go into my SME Model 20A record player. I currently have a four year old next month Lyra Helikon. Not a bad cart but fancy a change. What are the views of fellow audiophiles??
Which carts work well with my record player, I've heard that Lyra and Dyno's work well, any others???

Front end: SME Model 20A/Lyra Helikon/Ayre phono cable XLR/Symposium Ultra Platform
Sony SCD-555es with VSE level 5 mods Balanced
Preamp: Ayre Acoustics K1-xe with phono boards
Speakers: ATC active 20 towers
Cables by Clearer audio
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Thanks Raul,
Based on that email address I assume that Allaerts are not sold through distributors here in the US.

Thanks for the update, SirSpeedy. I assume you guys will get the chance to compare that new guage against the Winds. The Temper V is on my short list.

Thanks to Nsgarch for the Tranny info! I'm licking my chops!

The Allaerts USA distributor is Audio Advancements:


The Allaerts website (including links) is:

Actually,Dan,Bob gave such a compelling argument about downforce changing from day to day,that I don't even know if I'll bother comparing to my friend's Winds guage.I simply want a baseline for my being able to fotz around,a bit, to get the sound I think my rig is capable of.Then I'll check downforce,maybe once in a while,unless I hear some disparity in sound.SEE, I can learn from others,when a compelling argument is made!!

BTW--Though I LOVE my Tranny(what's not to love),there are so many really nice designs around,these days,that I'm not intimating you go for my own prefferences.I wish I had a two arm table.HMM,maybe I ought to get another arm wand.NAH,that would really drive me nuts!!

BTW, there's something out on the horizon, leaps tall Trannies, Kondor-killer, Uber-UNIverse, Dyna-wrecker, Red-Allaerts. Myabi-maybe? No, no! Wish I'd been thinking styli instead of watching silettos when the price and manufacturer was mentiond ;~))
Neil, that's the second time you've posted that verse. Whatever do you mean! I'm most curious! :)

SirSpeedy, I do understand what you're saying regarding the guages. I agree that this new one doesn't necessarily need to be accurate but it does need to be consistant to be of good use. I also still trying to decide what cartridges I'll be picking up. I'd like to have 2, perhaps 3, to try. I've got Lyra, Transfiguration, ZYX, and now Allaerts on the short list so I'll have to pare it down some more.