All of "this" lower priced,but superb,cartridge "talk" only reinforces a thought I had after auditioning some mega expensive digital gear recently...."Analog,at almost any level, IS amazing"!!
The dealer was comparing two different "two box" high five figure CD unit/combos,and then switching to a "superb to the max" Lyra Helikon/Brinkman table combo...The total system cost,was in the mid six figure range.
The electronics were from Vac,VTL and a superb Japanese mfgr,of the highest order.
Well though the other folks attending the session,were inpressed by the "digit" stuff,the analog front end "absolutely" stole the show!!
This "means" something!!
But to the uninitated "digi" lover,it seemed that "they" were not interested,in the least",in furthering the journey!...I actually believe some folks "shut down" to analog,due to the "hunt" for music.It's SO easy to buy CD's!
Hey,I have and "like" my digi stuff,but even a "mid" level analog equip,set up well,is simply in another league!
Hopefully,I can get back to listening to LP again,after my latest "six month" round of troubles go away(i'm not holding my breath,but do alot of praying these days-:)!!...Yeah,I'm worried,as digital is starting to sound pretty good!
Lucky is the man who can spin a disc,in the analog domain!