my curent speakers - meret re's - use focal's titanium inwerted-dome tweeters. no listener-fatigue due to harsh treble here. only cd gave me this - and, i had it w/the soft-dome thiel 3.5's that were in my main rig before the merets. turntable & tuna were always yust fine. a melos toobed preamp cured the harshness from the cd, btw. before that, i used a z-man ase toobed buffer-stage for my digital, w/solid-state preamps. don't need it anymore, w/the melos. the tuna & 'table also sound great w/the melos toobed pre! ;~)
ps - there's currrently a pair of merets f/s on a-gon for $800 - hard to touch the sound-quality for anything close to that price, imho...