What direction should Hi Fi tune fuse be installed

What direction should Hi Fi Tuning fuses be installed? They have a little arrow and I would think it would point the direction of AC flow but maybe it points to the AC source?? SEEMS to sound better that way. I know someone will say put it the way it sound better but i have 3 fuses here. That is 6 possible ways. Not in the mood for that. The arrow must mean somethuing. What about Furutech? Thoughts welcome. keith
" Credibility is hard earned and easily lost."

Quote of the year!!!!! Always true!
My question remains, what live sound are we talking about? The sound of Esperanza Spaulding at Sculler's in Cambridge with Joe Lovano? Because at THAT show you couldn't hear her bass tone definition (bad sound mixer who should have been shot), and she wasn't singing...if you listen to acoustic jazz piano recordings, which I am addicted to, every piano sounds completely different due to mics (try matching THOSE from different brands), rooms, pianos, engineers, etc., and pretty much all of 'em sound fine. Just utterly different. Same with orchestral music of any kind, all of it sounds different. Often VERY different. Period. Unless you were there during the performance perhaps huddled under the conductor's podium, you don't know what it sounded like based on the recording, and would have no way to claim it as a "reference." To claim a baseline of live unamplified sound as your reference is a memory based position, and although useful and convenient personally, it is flawed as a communication tool due to all of these variables. This position doesn't obviate an understanding of what live instruments sound like, or what great hifi sounds like, it simply makes a point. Obviously you listen and percieve and develop taste from live and recorded things equally (because you're you) and apply that esthetic sense to both, but nearly infinite variables are right there, and should be understood.
"My question remains, what live sound are we talking about?"

Obviously, all occurrences of live sound are different.

However, I'd say our ears can become trained to recognize the patterns that emerge in live sound after many repeated listens/samples from a variety of occurrences. Then quality of matches between what is heard on a recording and what has been heard live prior can be assessed to some degree, and better matches identified over lesser ones.

This is basically how computers are trained to recognize patterns in the discipline called "machine learning". Raw data is analyzed for common occurring patterns, then matches to the patterns can be determined, although with some degree of uncertainty, which can vary from small to large, depending on how well things are done. Our brains and sensory systems were done pretty well and work similarly.
Raw data becomes cooked data once it enters your head, or at least it's refried.
Rok2id, all I can say is that you are not a scientist. Observations are what matters. As yet I know of no instrumentation that captures variations when the fuse is in one direction rather than the other. Given your dismissive attitude, you certainly would not bother to look, nor will I as I have found the proper alignment for my equipment. I have also noticed that many companies are using wired in fuses and have indeed had to replace one of these. I must also say that fuse holders are typically made out of shitty materials for carrying ac.

I'm glad I escaped engineering and remained a scientist.

I see no reason to continue to monitor this thread as the "mankind knows everything squad" attends to it.