I think the only possible way to understand the nature of sound perception is to focus on studying a short piece of single-core wire.
There may be something to that. It seems to me it is all down to propagating a field. The field starts with sound pressure waves in air. These pressure waves are a manifestation of the repulsion of electrons in the outer shell of air molecules. So even sound turns out to be electric fields.
In the same way, when we make a gramophone recording. Even though it is all mechanical springs and levers and horns still it all comes back to electron fields pushing each other around.
Probably in most wire there is something asymmetrical going on that inhibits the coherent flow of this field.
For sure it cannot take much. Searching through user reviews of parts like caps it is clear seemingly insignificant construction produces big changes in sound quality. These parts all measure exactly the same yet in many ways sound completely different.
Seems to me this is all down to their ability to propagate this field in a coherent manner. This idea is reinforced by things we can do that are "outside" the signal path, at least in terms of what most today consider to be the signal path.
The prevailing myth is current moves along a wire. Occasionally some will acknowledge the field around the wire. Hardly anyone seems to think the field itself is the signal.