@manueljenkin Yes, and noticed a lot of improvements. I have tried a lot of system level tweaks, even went to the extent of taking a custom minimal commandline linux distro for audio (again sounded better than the familiar gui systems), and have also explored custom tools in windows that optimize a lot of the internal system processes.... Everything from even changing the buffer size changes the sound. (Includes all types of buffer, either in dac or in system).
I agree, simple structures, schemes and programs sound better to me either.
In my experience the more lower noise system gets (lower system activity), any further improvement is far easier to hear than with a stock system configuration... ... My friend has successfully done AB-X on other computer audio tweaks I mentioned in earlier paragraph, his network streamers and signal regenerators. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with my approach.
Nothing wrong, of course, if you are just looking for a better sound. The problem is it will not help us understand the reasons for what is happening, and I would like to understand it. The influence of noise is just your assumption, so far you have not given a single description of the experiment confirming the specific influence of noise and not any other causes that occur during the tweaks. At the same time, in the previous message, I gave proof that the work of the program is in no way related to changes in noise or other analog properties of the media. You have not refuted or confirmed the correctness of this proof, instead you wrote:
I am looking deeper into the intrinsics of the drives (the physical manifestation) since it has an impact that is uncorrelated from the rest of your guesses (doesn’t do defragging, cannot check optimal areas in disk if there was ever one since it is out of control of even the OS, it’s the controller that handles it).
Please explain, hypothetically, what can be found in the filling of the HDD so that it indicates the influence of noise (or whatever) on the sound of the file processed by the program?