
Responses from anton_stepichev

What do we hear when we change the direction of a wire?
Parris, what is the Romex?in any rate you woun’t listen LZ backwards). If we are about rock music, the directivity of acoustic environment parts will first affect the drive: the more accurately you orient the parts of the room walls, floor and sai... 
What do we hear when we change the direction of a wire?
andy2 Using a single tone sinewave to understand how people perceive music is crazy.OPOf course, this is crazy, but who here says otherwise? andy2"The smallest step-change in amplitude that can be detected by ear is about 0.3dB for a pure tone. ... 
What do we hear when we change the direction of a wire?
I can't take your claims one is keeping you here. 
What do we hear when we change the direction of a wire?
doogiehowser, no one can prove anything to anyone here. Either you hear it yourself, or you don’t. If don’t then this branch is not for you. 
What do we hear when we change the direction of a wire?
However, this thread from what I can tell is not at all a matter of physics, or electrical transmission, but one of psychology. Convincing yourself you heard a difference without doing the truly hard work of both isolating the changes you made... 
What do we hear when we change the direction of a wire?
@andy2 Using a single tone sinewave to understand how people perceive music is crazy.Of course, this is crazy, but who here says otherwise? 
What do we hear when we change the direction of a wire?
@doogiehowser That you have feelings that these cells exist is about as relevant that people believe the earth is flat, or that fairies exist. These anomalies all disappear when someone shines a light on them. Why is that?I don't believe it, but... 
What do we hear when we change the direction of a wire?
low bass is non-directional. Yet ... it always sounds like it is coming from some definite location.   Each note of a real bass instrument has harmonics and we use them to determine the direction of the main tone.  
What do we hear when we change the direction of a wire?
Maximum frequency that I hear now is 12500 Hz, and my father, at 88, hears only up to 6500hz!! At the same time, he freely orients himself in musical subtleties, distinguishes the directions of wires, and opinions about what sounds better or worse... 
What do we hear when we change the direction of a wire?
@herman I actually have no idea what the file debate is about, no idea how we got from wire directionality to checksums as I didn’t trudge through the whole thread. sorryIn a broad sense, the topic is devoted to audio anomalies that cannot be expl... 
What do we hear when we change the direction of a wire?
@andy2I think your understanding of what is "the same" and what is "different" is too simplistic. You’re showing off of your "computer skills" seems a little too obvious.Can you say anything on the merits of the case? 
What do we hear when we change the direction of a wire?
if you start with a flawed premise you often end up with a flawed conclusion.That is certainly true. 
What do we hear when we change the direction of a wire?
@herman2 files with different checksums are different, 2 files with identical checksums could be different you for the interesting information, I take off my hat! Yes, I have to admit that the check... 
What do we hear when we change the direction of a wire?
@andy2 4+7 = 3+8? Don't look the same to me.Your answer only say that you do not understand the basics of computer technology. It doesn't matter what seems different to you, it only matters what the computer understands the same.Computers conside... 
What do we hear when we change the direction of a wire?
Could you explain how Is identical to A, if B is an optimized version of A? Seems like an contradictory statement.B = A because they have the same checksum. This is an absolutely indisputable proof of their similarity no matter what you call these...