I made no assessment of Lakefrontroads system other than to ask why it is assumed its better than the Meyer X-10 or ATC SCM-150's?
Yeah I do know a great deal about how systems sound because its my job, see you're a hobbyist, it doesn't matter if you know or not, you're suiting yourself. The problem is hobbyists have grown use to the dealer not being very useful to them. Now it seems when a dealer actually knows what he is talking about its become offensive. Especially when it doesn't fit the cliche audiophile argument(CD sound, measuring systems etc.). I'm very direct because i don't type very fast and i don't have time to make a flowery feel good response all the time.
People seem to think this audio stuff is difficult to pin down but I find it quite easy. Is Albert Von Schwiekert going to make a speaker that sounds completely different than the ones that have come before? Of course not, so why if I know what drivers are being used and what Albert shoots for in playback, why wouldn't I know pretty much what Lakefrontroads system will sound like? or what a Krell amplifier with kharma's in a room with light wood paneling will sound like? I've been there before, not your exact system but close enough to know why you would complain about CD quality.
Sorry for knowing my business but 60-70 hours a week its what I do and then its my hobby :).
I made no assessment of Lakefrontroads system other than to ask why it is assumed its better than the Meyer X-10 or ATC SCM-150's?
Yeah I do know a great deal about how systems sound because its my job, see you're a hobbyist, it doesn't matter if you know or not, you're suiting yourself. The problem is hobbyists have grown use to the dealer not being very useful to them. Now it seems when a dealer actually knows what he is talking about its become offensive. Especially when it doesn't fit the cliche audiophile argument(CD sound, measuring systems etc.). I'm very direct because i don't type very fast and i don't have time to make a flowery feel good response all the time.
People seem to think this audio stuff is difficult to pin down but I find it quite easy. Is Albert Von Schwiekert going to make a speaker that sounds completely different than the ones that have come before? Of course not, so why if I know what drivers are being used and what Albert shoots for in playback, why wouldn't I know pretty much what Lakefrontroads system will sound like? or what a Krell amplifier with kharma's in a room with light wood paneling will sound like? I've been there before, not your exact system but close enough to know why you would complain about CD quality.
Sorry for knowing my business but 60-70 hours a week its what I do and then its my hobby :).