What do you say to your audiophile friends who say you just listen to your equipment more

Than your music. I have my retort but let me hear yours. Not everybody understands us. Thanks. 
What do you say to your audiophile friends who say you just listen to your equipment more than your music?

As reubent already pointed out this is not the kind of thing audiophiles say. But, its a serious question because its something audiophiles actually do. Moreover, its the kind of thing audiophiles SHOULD do- BUT there is a time and a place for everything. So its a serious question, and deserves a lot more than a retort.

So instead of retort I would answer, "Yes, this is a very real problem. The point of it all is to be carried away by the music. In order to do this we break it down into lots of little pieces. Its easy sometimes to get carried away with that, and lose sight of the goal. Thanks for reminding me."

This is one question I don’t want to even think about anymore. Those days we spent listening to cables and power cords are thankfully behind us. Life somehow interrupted our pursuits and things changed as almost inevitably it must.

One of my friends went through a divorce and a debilitating injury and another had to cope with the death of both parents in fairly quick succession.

On a personal level I feel I’ve made great progress in my recovery from Audiophilia in these past 4/5 years.

Instead of obsessing over the minutae of sound quality I’m beginning to enjoy all sources from TV sound to Bluetooth speakers, (I still draw the line at smartphone speakers though, ugghh!)

My days of worshipping at the shrines of Linn, Naim and Rega etc are now a bad memory. I am now immune to the preachings of all those Hi-Fi gurus and high priests of audio prose.

Don’t get me wrong, I still love high-quality playback sound as much as ever, eg those Monopulse speakers I heard at a show recently, but I’m just more inclined to be pleasantly surprised whenever I encounter it instead of actively seeking it out.

Glad to be able to willingly disembark from that never ending merry-go-round. I suspect this happens to quite a few audiophiles eventually once the bubble bursts.

Call me an unrepentant audiophile.  I just love listening to good sound.  Exulting in sheer tonal beauty. Getting lost inside an image. And if I feel the need to up the experience and I've got the lucre, I do it.