What Do You Think . . . and How Does It Work?

While watching vids on YouTube, I came across this pipe speaker design from a Dr. Linkwitz (see below).   The sound of this speaker is said to be impressive.  I was wondering if you know about this, how it works and what you think of this speaker design.  Also, what do you think would be the best room placement for such a speaker, and would you be tempted to build them?

asvjerry makes a good point. We are all narcississts according to that list. The list of descriptions has been carefully fabricated so that it can apply to anybody. For what purpose? Nothing other than to label that person and use that label against them at every opportunity, to discredit them, bully them and ultimately control their behavior. It is a disgusting sham that nobody should buy into. There are plenty of shams going on within the medical community just as there are within the speaker industry. There are sham diagnoses, treatments, crooks and charlatans within the medical industry. There is less or even no regulation within the speaker industry so whos to say the situation is not even worse in the speaker industry? The single factor that seems to motivate people in both camps is money and greed. Medicine is no longer about helping people its all about profit. It is absurd to deny that money and greed does not motivate at least some within the speaker industry.

Labelling me a narcississt does not invalidate my points. It does not answer the riddles i presented to Duke. It just conveniently avoids all of it. Who is guilty of evading the discussion here me or Duke?Who is the real culprit?
Avsjerry did not say that "we are all narcissists according to that list". But it sounds to me like you defacto acknowledge that you are: Instead of coming up with a single item which did not apply to you, you attacked the medical community.

And once again, your complaint against me is that I am calling you out instead of jumping through your hoops.   Just because you ask a question does not entitle you to an answer. 

Kenjit, WHAT you are - a narcissist - is WHY I no longer jump through your hoops. We both know you have already decided in advance to dismiss whatever I might say. We’ve been down that road too many times.

But let me repeat the offer I made yesterday:

If anyone other than Kenjit is actually curious about the questions he raises, let me know and I will reply to you. Otherwise, imo this thread is about one of Siegfried Linkwitz’s designs, not one of mine.

Kenjit, if your questions are so brilliant and so vitally important, why isn’t everyone clamoring in outrage for me to answer them?

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That you see those qualities in yourself asvjerry, is probably the best indication that you don't have NPD. Those with NPD wouldn't see it, and certainly wouldn't admit it. The normal people see many of the qualities of personality disorders in themselves. The ones that don't are the ones you have to worry about.

Whew! I saw myself in every single one of those! In spades! But since I know that, no worries, can't be me. What a relief!  

Duke truly is a gentleman. When I looked up narcissist in my PDR there was a picture of kenjit. So maybe he's not a narcissist, he really is important after all!