What Do You Think . . . and How Does It Work?

While watching vids on YouTube, I came across this pipe speaker design from a Dr. Linkwitz (see below).   The sound of this speaker is said to be impressive.  I was wondering if you know about this, how it works and what you think of this speaker design.  Also, what do you think would be the best room placement for such a speaker, and would you be tempted to build them?

Avsjerry did not say that "we are all narcissists according to that list". But it sounds to me like you defacto acknowledge that you are: Instead of coming up with a single item which did not apply to you, you attacked the medical community.

And once again, your complaint against me is that I am calling you out instead of jumping through your hoops.   Just because you ask a question does not entitle you to an answer. 

Kenjit, WHAT you are - a narcissist - is WHY I no longer jump through your hoops. We both know you have already decided in advance to dismiss whatever I might say. We’ve been down that road too many times.

But let me repeat the offer I made yesterday:

If anyone other than Kenjit is actually curious about the questions he raises, let me know and I will reply to you. Otherwise, imo this thread is about one of Siegfried Linkwitz’s designs, not one of mine.

Kenjit, if your questions are so brilliant and so vitally important, why isn’t everyone clamoring in outrage for me to answer them?

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That you see those qualities in yourself asvjerry, is probably the best indication that you don't have NPD. Those with NPD wouldn't see it, and certainly wouldn't admit it. The normal people see many of the qualities of personality disorders in themselves. The ones that don't are the ones you have to worry about.

Whew! I saw myself in every single one of those! In spades! But since I know that, no worries, can't be me. What a relief!  

Duke truly is a gentleman. When I looked up narcissist in my PDR there was a picture of kenjit. So maybe he's not a narcissist, he really is important after all!

Dukes logic is to assume that I am a narcissist unless proven otherwise which is typical of the high end speaker industry where it is assumed that any claim made is true until proven otherwise. Dukes goal is to repeatedly call me a narcissist and distract you from the dirty secrets of the industry where audiophiles are kept in the dark much of the time when it comes to measurements and how much things cost. Do not be duped.

Duke sells obscenely expensive speakers costing $7600. To put that in perspective you can get a full range floorstander or active speakers for much less than that price. The Linkwitz Pluto itself is far cheaper. There is no reason what he does couldnt be done cheaper, as other manufacturers already do offer cheaper high end speakers.

He claims on his website that

"Few if any other speaker designers match Duke’s knowledge and experience Re. the ideal balance between early and late arriving signals "

This is a grandiose claim typical of narcissists. He basically claims that he is superior to every other designer. Yet Revel have been doing waveguides for years! What he does is hardly new. Worst of all theres no evidence. B&w and Magico sell more speakers than audiokinesis Im pretty sure of that. Yet he is telling us that THEY are wrong and HE is right!

Duke claims that he uses a special plywood so that

"Noise is lowered, with commensurate increase in dynamic “pop,” and without any downside. "


For his Crossovers:

"The result is faster transient performance, with increased detail, transparency, larger dynamic envelope, and no down side. "


He charges $7600 for a wooden box with what looks like plastic cheap binding posts on the back and a woofer from a manufacturer whose speciality is in guitar speakers not high end audio woofers.
He quotes the names of four PHd’s namely Earl Geddes, Floyd Toole, Robert E. Greene, and David Greisinger. and expects to be recognized as equal to them. Where was your PHD from Mr. lejeune, Harvard or Princeton? He claims these individuals "have the most reliable and extensive knowledge base on this subject." NO EVIDENCE.

There are hundreds of speaker manufacturers out there Duke. Your speakers are rarely mentioned on this forum or others. Your speakers have not achieved mainstream success. It is a niche product that requires you to sell a few pairs at high prices. The grandiosity doesnt match with reality.
Dukes logic is to assume that I am a narcissist unless proven otherwise

Oh no, the evidence of your character is spread far and wide.  Assumptions need not be used here.
