What Do you think of Burmester CD player


As we all know this brand is very pricey.
I would like to know comments from Audiogon members who have auditioned the Burmester CD player.

Comparing to other brands, how does it sound ?

Burmester builds for me the absolute best cd players; their sound is very much familiar with the best analoque turntable system without defects; their sound is musical warmth with an incredible wealth of details expressed with an elegant fluid presentation; tonally balanced perfectly, fantastically dynamic with an an outstanding controlled overall energy level, perfect body and solidity with definition and air, resolute and transparent with a soundstage deep, wide and three dimensional like no other I've ever heard. I know almost all of their models. Owned the 001's Top line and then, after a long comparison with Zanden two stacks, Dcs Scarlatti 4 stacks, Spectral sdr-4000, Naim 555, Metronome Kalista with Audio Note Dac-5 Signature, I moved up to the 069's two box reference line. With 069's the music flows dramatically natural with no any coloration. Listen and be amazed.
I have only heard it briefly at shows. It falls into the detailed clean and highly extended category of audio which I happen to like. I will likely never be conflicted about buying one because of the price as you noted.