What do you think of Vandersteen 5a's?

I am considering buying a pair of 5a's to complement my Ayre gear. There does not seem to be a dealer in Denver so I have never heard any type of Vandersteen speaker. I have heard both great things about them, and a few disparaging comments. Funny sometimes the positive remarks speak to the same items the negative remarks complain of (detail, soundstage, dark character, lack of resolution etc). Can they really make two different people feel that differently? Can anyone give me some advice on whether to take this leap?
When properly set up than can be amazingly good. You're going to spend that kind of money without hearing them first? Not a good idea.
The pair I'm considering are used so I should be able to re-sell. Seems easier than trying to travel to hear them on someone else's gear in their environs.
I love the Vandie sound. I've owned 1c's, 2ce Sigs and 3a's, haven't heard anything anywhere near their price that I'd rather have. So I say go for it!
I think they are one of the finest speakers available that are not some obscene amount of money. I would caution on buying them used--dealer set up is key since the bass equalizer needs to be dialed into the room. You MAY be able to get it right but I'm not sure you will get the most out of these speakers if not properly set up.
Can they really make two different people feel that differently?

In one word, yes.

That shouldn't come as any surprise. You can pick any speaker on the face of the earth that has a respectable following and find those who simply don't understand what the fuss is about. A quick summary of the situation might be this:

1. No speaker is perfect. All have different strengths and weaknesses. This applies to the very expensive models, too.

2. Different people listen for different things. You might be impressed by dynamic range while someone else feels that comes off as too forward. Another person swoons over a speaker's ability to throw a razor sharp image yet his friend finds that razor sharp image unrealistic. Yet another person is struck by the incredibly smooth and neutral midrange while a fellow listener finds that smooth neutrality "dull" and leaden sounding. Examples like these could continue endlessly.

My take on Vandersteens is they are very good and I could happily live with them. They are a smooth speaker with lots of good points and no great flaws. That said, they've never quite had the magic for me they do for some others. I've got a pair of Spendors that do the trick for me right now.

However, you're going to have to be the judge on this subject. If you can get them at a good price and you know the pair in question is in good shape, it is a reasonable plan to just buy them for the sake of an audition. If you get a fair deal, they shouldn't be too hard to resell if they are not your cup of tea.