What do you void listening?

Which songs or bands tell you to move to the next channel or change record or CD?
My alphabet starts from
Air Supply -- replace with something else IMMEDIATELY!
Sam Cooke believe it or not
Barry Manilow
Luis Armstrong
Neil Young
Bob Dylan
Rolling Stones
Most of Beatles.
This year Kiss was nominated at R&R Hall of Fame. I wish there could be R&R Hall of Shame.
Compare to your record store, sales of rock CDs and vinyls in my record store growing day by day and so is young white and black crowds visiting it. In my store Hip-Hop is dying and catching dust while rock records and CDs sell very well to all age and color groups. Besides that, Each rock, new wave CD or record brings more money at retail location than via internet by 25% in average.
"To me it just said ignorance is more honored in the USA than
anywhere else"

Ignorance might be tolerated here more perhaps but surely is not "honored" by most. Two different things.

Gump was not "intelligent" apparently, but seemed to have a nebulous quality, "common sense" perhaps for lack of a better term that still seemed to work for him in a way that probably only could occur in a movie to the extent indicated, but might get some individuals pretty far still in real life.

Being smart and having common sense are two different things.

The latter seemed to more than make up for the former in Gump's case.

One may not be "smart" in measurable terms, but common sense alone might rule out true ignorance.

I read that Gump is a polarizing movie. That alone says a lot....
"Hey! Don't call him stupid!" He turned out to be smarter than average by all means:).

I'd pick Platoon over Forest Gump about war in Vietnam, otherwise Gump is classic and legendary movie.
Common sense is about as common as 6-legged, 3-horned Unicorns.
I don't think I have EVER see anyone extolling its virtues who wasn't just praising their own ignorance . Of course, I've never met Mapman who no doubt is the exception that proves the rule.

Re ignorance, any student who knows squat about US history
known the 2 greatest, most long lasting major threads in our history are anti-intellectualism and racism, the Alleghany and the Monongahela so to speak.