What equipment do you most regret parting with??

Any audio equipment from speakers to phono stages...what do you wish you never gave up?
I had three of the four Nakamichi 600 series components; the tapedeck, tuner/preamp, and power amp. The tuner/preamp was especially sweet because it had one of the best sounding tuners I've ever come across. The act of tuning in a staion was a particularly sensual process because the action of the huge tuning dial was so effortlessly smooth. Together, these components were spectacular looking; products of a uniquely Japanese aesthetic and advanced industrial design. Alas, I unloaded all but the cassetted deck due to a variety of pressures.
Had a great pair of Dutch speakers that were a hand me down from my grandfather. I got them when he died, and when they went south after a twenty year lifespan, I was truly bummed.
Quad 33/303 with ESL speakers. Did'nt have room for them. Sold them in mint 'mint' shape.