What equipment have you bought this year so far ?

I have bought three pieces: Grado RS1 Classic headphones, Burson Audio Soloist headamp/preamp and Purist Audio Aquila power cord. All used. Oh yes, I also have got two sealed Maxell Metal Vertex clank cassette tapes.
My Redgum integrated broke so I got Burson Timekeeper power amp to play music with Burson Soloist preamp and WyWires Platinum cables. I can send the Redgum to Australia for repairs but it probably makes little sense, it is 18 years old and Burson duo sounds significantly better.
In the past year, I've bought

Zyx 4D cartridge (replaced Benz Ebony L) very nice
2 Sumiko S-10 subwoofers (Rel S-5 clones) These made a B-I-G-G-G difference in my 5000+ cu ft room
Conrad Johnson CT5 Preamp           WOW!!!!

Up next? Power conditioning
Digital Audio Company 2Cherry Amplifier
Salk Veracity ST Loudspeakers

The level of detail and clarity provided by the 2Cherry and Salks have provided a nice step forward in musical realism.
New equipment this year? None, Nada, Zero, Zilch.......

New LPs this year? About 200, mostly used and mostly flipped to buy better LPs.

Finally broke down and started a Spotify subscription this year. It's such a great service. Wish it was hi-res because the library is incredible for my listening tastes.