What exactly is PRaT???

Ok, it’s like this thing and is associated with “toe tapping” and such.  I confess, I don’t get it.  Apparently companies like Linn and Naim get it, and I don’t and find it a bit frustrating.  What am I missing?  I’m a drummer and am as sensitive as anyone to timing and beats, so why don’t I perceive this PRaT thing that many of you obviously do and prize as it occurs in stereo systems?  When I read many Brit reviews a lot of attention goes to “rhythm” and “timing” and it’s useless to me and I just don’t get it.  If someone can give me a concrete example of what the hell I’m not getting I’d sincerely be most appreciative.  To be clear, enough people I greatly respect consider it a thing so objectively speaking it’s either something I can’t hear or maybe just don’t care about — or both.  Can someone finally define this “thing” for me cause I seriously wanna learn something I clearly don’t know or understand.  


Showing 4 responses by deep_333

Some guys may be conflating what is baked into/inherent to the track/recording itself (instruments, notes being played, etc) as aome accomplishment of their gear. Such a track may seem to have great prrrrrtttt on all kinds of equipment (because in reality it was Bonham making you feel that way).

Otherwise, and if the same track is compared on different equipment, some technical parameters can be attributed to this perception of prrrrrtttttt. On speakers...the stored energy graph can be an indicator, no huge phase shifts from crossover, etc....low power set is a prrrrttttt killer, etc

This perception also varies greatly from listener to listener and the type of music. Some guys may only listen to some sleepy boring gal whispering slowly for hours to a very slow boring string. There may not even be any percussion involved. Such listeners may not think or need to care about prrrrtttt parameters.


Play this song, a not so great recording on a relatively crappy rig and it could still sound like great PRT.

A musician can give you good PRT even if everything else sucked.


Chris Rea - I can hear your heartbeat, 1983 version


Play another not so great recording on a lousy rig and the musician still gave  you some perception of great PRT.


Bombino - Niamey Jam


Hmm, it is indeed a very simple track. But, the PR&Tty kid is able to cry his way into the souls of analytical old men.


Mk.Gee - Are you looking up



PR&T ...whatever....