What improvements did you hear in going from entry level to high end Audio?

I heard more detail. Better transparency and detail 
The path to high end is long and expensive in most cases. Few push the boat out and buy a $200 000 system for example. Some get caught up what gear is reviewing well, hype of the back of it in shops Etc. All our ideas of what the ultimate is true high end vary greatly.  I like fast powerful clean sound that takes your mind away from everything else to it. That sweet spot sound at a concert where the engineer has it down. Loud clear but not harsh. So my journey has ended in big studio monitors with active crossover multiple power amps driven by a pre amp connected to good but not overly expensive source components. Some would say this array of boxes and cables are crazy but I go for performance first looks second and live with the mess. We all get a taste of a particular sound that gets us hooked. Then we spend or overspend to reach our sometimes unattainable dreams. Could say loads more but this is enough for now. 
Jbselector great post! I always tell people that your audio nirvana and mine are not the same. I’m the type that when I hear something great. It becomes my reference and I will try to get to it by spending less than they spent.  Less for some people is $500 for some people it’s 5k for some people it’s 50k. Depends on your income and or willingness to chase it. You attempt to find the match of cables and components that make it happen for you. The reason I started this thread and others is because I see a lot of posts that treat those of us who spend more to get there like we are foolish and that the manufacturers are selling us all snake oil. There are some manufacturers who charge way too much for what they sell. However, if it gets a person to THIER Audio joy then it’s worth it to them.  I asked if people had heard certain gear and combinations so that I could figure out what their reference point was and even that turned into a debate negatively.  They may hear a speaker with a different amp and cables and that could change everything. We all have our opinions so if you spend the money you make on what you want then my OPINION IS THAT OTHERS SHOULD STFU! But that’s my opinion!
Of course $20k is not essential for enjoyment. I'd say $100k minimum. I mean seriously, why would someone spend $100k or $200k on a system if it wasn't worth it?

calvinj, I think to suggest that people STFU in a forum discussing high end audio, or anything, for that matter is a little ironic. We're here to share opinions after all. I agree with you that if someone wants to spend large amounts of money for incremental differences that this their option and if it makes them happy then that is fantastic.

But we all probably have that point in which the skeptic lurking inside all of us comes out. The guy who has spent $100k on a system is going to be a tad suspicious that the guy who spent $485K on used speakers (they were listed on this site not long ago) is probably a little daft.

I also think the two ends of the spectrum are about the same: People who spend less thinking that people who spend more are doing it for reasons that don't warrant the expenditure verses people who spend more assuming that people who spend less are either settling for poor quality or just don't know the difference.

Finally, I do not believe that it is true that every additional dollar buys you a subjective or objective benefit. I think it is true up to large sums but there comes a point in most hobbies at which that extra dollar does not buy a dollars worth of benefit and in some cases will buy you less.