What is a better speaker than Totem? for = $$$

What is a better speaker than Totem Model 1 Sig or Hawk for the same money?

Why? please dont just list a speaker you bought if you never heard the totems or dont know why its better.
I spent considerable time auditioning Model 1 sigs against a range of speakers. The one that really does it for me is the Aerial 5b. Silky top end that can't be beat.
I listened to the Nola Contender at CES and was very impressed by it's sound/dollar ratio. An excellent speaker at a real world price.
I can't comment on the Model 1's, but I'm very familiar with other Totem offerings that I've owned previously, including the Arro's, Hawk's, and Rainmakers.

What is it that you don't like about the Totem speakers? What are you looking for in a potential replacement speaker? The Hawks have a very nice, if somewhat bloomy, midrange and decent bass for a speaker its size.

Here are some thoughts on comparisons with speakers I know in its price range:

1) Audio Physic Tempo (about $1000 used). I've owned these for years. They have better bass extension and more articulate highs, with a more neutral midrange. Amazing bang for the buck on the used market.
2) JMLab Electra 906 ($about $1000 used). Very dynamic and clean monitors, not the ultimate in bass extension, but good clarity throughout its range, and above average imaging.
3) Merlin TSM (lower-end model) (around $1200-1400 used). Gorgeous midrange, perhaps a little bass shy. Can be driven easily with tubes.
4) PSB Stratus series: Goldi ($700-1000 used) has one of the deepest bass offerings I've heard WHEN DRIVEN WITH HIGH-POWERED AMP. Very full-range.
Stratus mini's ($400-500 used): Amazing bang for the buck, above average imaging with full yet detailed midrange. At this price you can mate it with a sub and still be within the Hawk's price range.
Platinum M2's ($1200 ish used): Good imaging, but I just don't find myself enjoying it as much as PSB's older offerings like the Stratus series.
5) Magnepan 1.6 (around $1000 used): Highly detailed, transparent highs, frequently bass-shy in the wrong room or with low-powered amp. Definitely need to be placed out in room for optimal imaging. With proper position can image with the best.

There are dozens of other options in this price range. If you could give some indication of what you're looking for, and what room characteristics and amp you have, then we could help to refine the list further.
