What is an Audiophile?

Jax2, I think put up a link to a series of definitions, but I wonder what the Audiogon community considers an Audiophile.
Just received March edition of TAS. On the Back Page Barry Willis has a wonderful answer to this question. He sure nailed me.
one who keep his gears for no more then a month,and when the music is on,he cant hear the music,only noise from tubes,power conditioner/power cord etc..sound familiar anyone?
OK: I couldn't find a link to The Absolute Sound column, "You might be an audiophile...", but out of the list of 16 defining characteristics, here are a couple I identified with: You might be an audiophile "If you spend more time thinking about your system than you do thinking about sex...", and "If you have a garage/attic/basement full of pricey gear that no longer cuts the sonic mustard but is too precious to part with...", and "If you have ever spent 90% of your annual bonus on a stereo component and then lied to your wife about the cost...". Oh, here's a couple more: "If your music library consists of superb recordings of mediocre performances..." and finally, "If you have ever put a compact disc in the freezer overnight in the belief that "cryogenic treatment" would make it sound better....". Lots of other good ones, but I've already admitted too much!
Someone who'll never show-up on The "Who's My Daddy" Maury Povich Show. As having unprotected sex followed by child support would cut too dearly into the gear budget!