What is better, analog or digital?

I'm listening to the Best of Marley on the album, and I have to say it sounds better then digital.   More definition and more realism.  Of Course this is MHO  Using a Rega Planer 1 w a cheaper Project phono amp.  

 Let the debate begin, and what should i change out first for better sound
Both have their place ,much depends on the design implementation , in Audio it’s all about preference .
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The format does not matter the more important matter is the recording quality of the material you are playing and both formats can be great sounding when the recording is a good one.
How 'bout another platitude? It's the musician who counts, not the instrument.
So I'm going to put it to the test. Just rebuilt my Pioneer PL 530 TT. Bought a Sutherland Insight PS with upgraded LPS. What cartridge should I use for playing mostly rock and 60's and 70's music? Preamplifier is AR Ls28se, Amp is PL Evo 400, GE Triton Ref speakers. TT because I bought it new in 77. Nostalgic reasons.