I mainly agree with everything erik_squires stated in his last post. My only disagreement is that in my practical experience, the use of 4 subs, properly positioned and configured in a distributed bass array (DBA) concept system, results in exceptionally good bass performance in most any room. Just as Dr. Earl Geddes scientifically proved with his PHD thesis over 4 decades ago.
There's also no need for any bass acoustic room treatments of any type when using this concept. Mics, room analysis and room correction equipment are interesting and can be utilized if preferred, of course, but I'm certain none of this was required in my 23'x16'x8' room to perform at a very high level.
On another topic that danvignau posted about, I'm failing to understand why having an abundance of amp headroom in an audio system can be accurately considered to be anything other than beneficial by Floyd Toole or anyone else.
As a practical but admittedly anecdotal matter, I drive fairly inefficient, 86db/1 watt, Magnepan 3.7i 4 ohm speakers with 2,400 watt/30 amp class D monoblocks with an abundance of beneficial results and no negative results that I've been able to discern.