@erik_squires When it comes to Convoluton filters what I have now was created by a rock star in the field, not by some random DIY’er who thinks they are an expert after tinkering around. This was done by a professional audio engineer doing this for 20+ years and has written a book on this issue.
What I have now is the best tweak or upgrade to my system. I do not know if you hang out in the Computer Audiophile site but my filters were created based on info posted there. Some very knowledge folks on this issue over there. I am posting my findings here because most folks on this site are not aware of the possibilities with Convolution.
My Convolution files was created using Audiolense which I understand is some very complicated software (Accurate is another option). It is also not free, like REW. I had to pay $200 for a 1 time license usage of the software by the outsourced audio expert. The implementation cost was another $500. Peanuts from my perspective. I paid more for an XLR interconnect and that had 0.00145% the benefit of the Convolution.
What I solved was getting a big speaker into a small room and getting it sounding perfect. That was my goal from the start and mission accomplished. It took me 2 years to get to this destination from the start of this thread.
https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/big-speakers-in-small-room-at-moderate-volume-levels?highligh...With regards to ROON setup, I have a 2 computer solution. My client computer was picked out of the trash 5 years ago from an previous employer. My ROON Core server is a under $1K DELL refurbished machine. It has something like 20 cores and 32 Gigs of RAM. This is actually my weakest server in the house, I have about 10 computers in the house. ROON Core does not need that much power, even with Convolution. If you go to the ROON forums and ask the ROON developers there they will tell you the same.
I had a buddy over to my office today. I had him sit at my desk and I played the music. He had the same reaction I am having, glorious sound. I have actually heard enough uber systems and other non-uber great systems to know that my system is now also great.